(New York, 2019)
Matriarcas is an installation done using cropped images from my family archive that were taken in Venezuela between the late 50’s and mid 80’s. During the Spanish Civil War my grandparents emigrated from the Canary Islands to Venezuela, where they settled for over 60 years before we had to emigrate due to the current political crisis. The original images used for the installation depict my grandmother and grandfather’s sisters wearing the clothes that they themselves designed when they started a tailoring business. The project is a way for me to materialize the dresses that my family confectionated and which have become part of our collective history of resilience. The products of their craft did not survive in the same way that their techniques were not passed down to the next generation.

Matriarcas 1
Inkjet photographic transfer on acrylic medium, aluminum wire, zip ties, halogen light, extension cord and plastic key chain
15“ x 20'“ x 5”
Documentation of the piece at Gleam (Brooklyn, 2019)
Matriarcas 2
Site Specific Installation
Inkjet photographic transfer on acrylic medium, aluminum wire, paper clips, zip ties, plastic basket, mosquito lamp, halogen light, extension cord and shoes.
Dimensions variable
Documentation of the installation at Satellite Art Show (Miami, 2019)